How To Maximize Storage With Small File Cabinet Designs

It’s easy to think that in our digital age, no one has to deal with paper records anymore. However, even in our modern lives, you can quickly become overwhelmed with tax returns, bills, contracts, and financial records. If you’re not careful, you could be without a vital document at the exact moment you need it.
The answer is to devise and use a good filing system. Using our guide, you’ll create a storage system to locate and access any document when needed and make the most of the space available in your small file cabinet.
Organize Your Documents
The way you choose to organize documents will form the backbone of your filing system. Think of it like building a frame for a house to create separate rooms before you fill them with your belongings.
The most obvious way to organize your files is in alphabetical order. So, for example, a phone bill would be filed under “P” while a birth certificate would go in the “B” folder. A second filing system is in chronological order. Newer documents go in the front and older ones in the back or vice versa.
You can make your filing system a bit more specific by organizing by document type. So, for example, a 1099 tax document could be filed as a “Financial document”.
The point is, that you can get as specific or general as you’d like. The pertinent thing to remember is that you’ll be using this system in the future. Ask yourself how well you’ll remember your logic in a year or two.
Naming for Files for Small File Cabinets
Naming the files in your small file cabinet can get tricky. You need to give enough information so you’ll know exactly what’s in the folder but you have extremely limited space on which to write.
Choose file names that tell you what’s in it in only one or two words. Avoid using vendor names because the likelihood is high that you’ll forget what service they provided. “Phone Bill” and “TV” are better than “Verizon” and “Comcast”
In the end, the key is to think about how you’ll be looking up information in the future. A little extra forethought now will save you a ton of time and aggravation.
Color Code Your Files
Using a color coding system will make retrieving your files from the filing cabinet much easier. Colored folders break the file folders down into sections and create visual cues. Categorizing information using color also improves memorization and recall. If you only have plain Manila filing folders, you can still incorporate color by writing file names in different colored ink or using colored labels.
It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of paper records you generate and need to store. For those with limited space, getting organized with a good filing system will maximize their storage capabilities. Be careful and thoughtful with how you organize documents and name your files and you’ll quickly and easily find any piece of information you need exactly when it’s needed.